
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Have A Happy Birthday!

As I mentioned yesterday, my birthday was this past Saturday. I celebrated the big 2-6! I am the kind of gal who likes to stretch her birthday out as much as possible, so it should be no surprise to anyone that I dressed up Friday for my birthday.
This dress was the second part of my order (the first part being this skirt). I ordered the two items specifically with my birthday in mind and I'd been looking forward to wearing this dress for my birthday. Since I went thrifting for my birthday, I figured Friday was the better day to dress up. I must have been glowing all day, because I kept getting the nicest compliments on how I looked. Definitely a good way to start out my birthday... :)
 I had quite a lovely birthday, starting out Friday, of course. As I mentioned I received several compliments, the first one just as I was getting on the elevator at the office. Not a bad way to start my day off. Then my friend took me out to lunch, over which we enjoyed good conversation & food and still more compliments! Yes! :) When I returned to the office, some flowers from my dad were waiting for me along, with a card signed by all of my coworkers. Then as I was leaving the office, some other coworkers burst out into an impromptu "Happy Birthday" song. I felt like such a lucky girl!
 Later that evening my parents took me and my bf out to dinner at my new favorite restaurant, Mad Fox Brewing. We enjoyed a delicious meal and then returned home for cake and presents. And I definitely lucked out in the jewelry and accessory department for sure! Let me just say my dad has gotten *way* better at picking gifts out and I am so glad that my mom knows how much I adore Betsey Johnson jewelry. :)
Gray Tulle Dress - HauteLook; Purple Sequined Shrug - Old Navy; Black Tulle Bow Peep Toes - DSW
As far my outfit went, it was glitz and glam all the way! Quintessential me, if I do say so myself. This is MY outfit. Put this at the top of the list of outfits that I could wear every day! I felt like a princess, thanks in large part to the tulle skirt on the dress with little rhinestones. It recalls memories of me playing dress up when I was a kid. Only now I'm playing dress up as a grown up! Hehe, I just love how some things never change and my playful nature with clothing is one of them. I hope even when I'm turning 86 I will still enjoy playing dress up. :)

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