
Monday, November 15, 2010

Have A Red Coat Day

See I told you this post would be more colorful than the last few...So do you guys like my new coat? I saw it on one day and couldn't take my eyes off of it. I loved everything about it, the puffed shoulders, the nipped waist, the flared skirt and most especially the color. My winter coats have always been blue, black or gray, or blah in other words. A red coat would definitely stand out in all the dark, drabness of the winter.

But I was weary of making a impulse purchase that I would later regret. Also, I wasn't sure on the fit. Of course I checked the measurements but you can never be 100% sure until you physically try the garment on. I've never purchased a coat online. So I had a very frugal-minded friend at work help me weigh the pros and cons. If anyone could help me decide if it was worth my money, it was her. Now of course it was offered at a nice discount to the regular price, so that was definitely a pro. Eventually, we decided that it would be a purchase worth making and I made the order. Then the hard part came. I had to wait. And wait. And wait. I waited for at least a month, no joke. But one day I finally got notice that it had shipped and then a few days later it arrived to my doorstep. And the best part is that it fits!

Lipstick Red Coat - Jessica Simpson via Beyond the Rack; Purple Drop Waist Top - ; Black Button Embellished Leggings - Target; Plum Satin Peep Toes - Target

I am totally loving the color combination of red and purple. How about you?

So here I was again. Another Thursday with leggings. But what's that? Is that heels? Yes! When I put this outfit together with flats, I felt I was missing that extra little bit to really make the outfit pop. Then I switched out the flats and tried it with these peep toe pumps. Pop! Instantly. Luckily it did not become an issue for me in drawing class as I sat most of the class (something I hardly ever do for drawing class!).

I'm beginning to become more and more comfortable with tops that are a little shorter than expected with leggings. That is not to say that I would wear a t-shirt with leggings outside of my house, as I definitely would not feel comfortable(I'll save those outfits for the house, where only the BF can see and appreciate). No, the drop waist is probably as short as I would feel comfortable with. But I always thought a top paired with leggings had to fall further down my thighs in order to look "acceptable." Whatever that means anyway. What I'm realizing though is that as long as I feel good wearing an outfit, that I start to care less and less about what is expected of someone my size and shape.

I haven't talked too much about my weight on this blog yet. It has definitely always been a sensitive subject for me. Only recently have I been able to accept and appreciate my body for what it is now. Not how is used to be when I was a skinny kid, or how I thought it should be in high school, or even what I hope it to be in the future since I've been regularly exercising. I mean exactly how it is today. But it took me years of disliking it, trying to hide it, trying to squeeze it into styles I thought would make me feel pretty, before I was able to get to the point where I am now. And if other people have a problem with my body or how I dress it, that is just it - their own problem. Trust me, I didn't always feel that way. More than anything in high school, I wanted praises and confirmation from my peers that my body was good or nice, which never really ended up making me feel better about myself. Now I look to myself for those praises. And when I feel good in what I'm wearing and dare I say it, even hot, no one can take that away from me. :)

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