
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have A Blue Collar Collective Day

Omg you guys! I am totally excited to share with you that I was featured on one of my favorite blogs, Blue Collar Catwalk!!! Kyla has put together the Blue Collar Collective featuring reader submitted outfits that cost $100 or less (excluding jewelry).
 Blue Collar Catwalk

Now, it's sort of hard for me to know the total cost of most of my outfits due to the fact I've never kept track of the total spent for each piece of clothing and each pair of shoes. However, Kyla has actually inspired me to keep better track of those things. And when I finally had an outfit that I knew the total for (and fell below $100) I was so excited to submit it. And then yesterday I saw that I my outfit was featured in her latest installment of the Blue Collar Collective! Yay, thanks Kyla for the love! :) Click here to see the post.

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