
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Have A First Impressions Day - Part 2

So I decided to break my first post down into two parts. Mostly for your sake, so that you wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by its length. I know I talk a lot. But I’m really going to be mindful of that here.  Another reason I broke it down is because this week has felt like one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in a long time. But anyway…

Let me back up a bit.......
 Ok maybe a little more..............
Wait, was that too much?

Okee this is better. There we go!

Hello world! I'd like to introduce myself, if you please. My name is Sarah, I’m 25 and I live in Arlington, VA – just over the river from Washington, DC. I work full-time for my father in his real estate business. I wear way too many hats that it makes my resume look like it has multiple personalities. Typically though, I manage our office, shoot our photos and put together most of our marketing material. I also am going to school part time. Actually, if I could live in my dream world (wouldn’t we all love to?), I would be a full-time student because I enjoy learning about things that interest me. This semester I’m taking Drawing II and Creative Writing. I also just started a Sewing I class through the county. My goal is to transfer to a school where I can get a degree in Fashion as I would love to work in the industry. I feel that my passion is leading me towards a career in Styling, because I enjoy styling myself and helping others with style advice. I think it would be really cool to have that kind of job, where I can help to teach everyday people how to feel and look good while expressing themselves personally through their style.

This is my blog. The reason I started this blog is because I love clothing. More importantly, though, I love what clothing can do for a person. Since I have always been an artistic individual, I like to think of it like this - we are all blank canvases hoping for our clothing to transform us into masterpieces. Just like a painting, the possibilities become endless. And that's where one of my goals for this blog comes into play. As a personal style/fashion blogger, I aim to illustrate how limitless personal style/fashion can be. Actually that doesn’t just go for you the audience, I’m really hoping to teach myself a lot as I go along here too.

And I'm hoping that you will help me. I'd love for us to keep the conversation going. If you read a post and dig it or think it stinks, by all means, please comment. Obviously I’m hoping for constructive commenting here, since that is the most helpful kind. So if you think something I write sucks and you feel like commenting, go ahead and say so, but if you want to help me to keep from sucking the next time, maybe you can also say why you think it sucks. I promise not to throw a tantrum my feelings won't be hurt. So thanks for reading, and I invite you to stick around! :)


Now onto my first outfit, since this is a blog about clothing and style after all! This outfit is from Monday; like I said this has been a busy week! Once I get into the swing of things here, I promise that I will be timelier with my outfit postings.

Tee-Shirt - Target; Skirt - Target; Silver Ruffle Wedges - Payless; Belt - Lace cut from thrifted slip

This week the temps have been cooler in the mornings and evenings but it’s still been getting up into the 80’s during the afternoon. Monday was definitely one of the warmer days this week too, so I went for an easy and comfortable go-to of mine in warmer weather – a skirt and a tee combo. But I guess I was in a fun, experimental mood because I decided it wasn’t enough. So I added the yellow lace as a belt and secured it with a purple bow shaped brooch. The drop waist is actually not a silhouette that I wear often, but I was happy with how it turned out. My one frustration was that I kept having to fuss with the lace during the day because it keep sagging lower than I wanted it, though I didn’t want it too tight either because it would bunch the tee shirt. I think that’s the fun part of wearing clothes, is trying new combinations and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Overall, I thought the outfit worked and I felt comfortable wearing it throughout my hectic day.

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